Hair treatments

All over the world, hair is considered to be a standard of beauty. Unfortunately, urban lifestyles and schedules have people stressing more and caring less for their hair. That, combined with improper nutrition results in uncontrolled hair fall, leading to baldness in certain areas of the scalp. All these reasons why in today’s world, Hair Treatments are gaining rapid momentum.

Magnifique Cosmetic Clinic offers various Hair Treatments at extremely affordable costs, so you can now look your best everyday!

1. Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant is a complex but permanent treatment done to fill the bald patches that might inconvenience a person. At Magnifique Cosmetic Clinic, we use the FUE technology combined with the best and most advanced techniques for you to have an ultimate, natural looking remedy for your bald spots!

We make sure the bleeding is extremely minimal and you suffer no scars. This is a minimally invasive procedure that involves extracting individual hair follicles and securing them in the areas that need attention. The surgery is mainly done to treat male-pattern baldness, but is also increasingly being used for other areas such as eyelashes, beards, eyebrows and more. The complete results can be seen in 6 to 7 months.

  • Performed under local anesthesia
  • Standard quality equipment
  • Nominally invasive
  • Minimal bleeding
  • No scars, no pain
  • Less healing time

2. PRP Therapy

Arguably the best PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Therapy Centre, Magnifique Cosmetic Clinic offers world-class treatments for hair loss. PRP treatment is getting increasingly popular in recent times. This treatment is done to trigger natural hair growth and increase blood supply to the follicle, also making hair thicker, which is why it’s the perfect solution for patients with issues of hair thinning.

At Magnifique Cosmetic Clinic, we draw the patient’s blood, usually from their arm, and put it in a centrifuge, which separates the blood into: Platelet-poor plasma, Platelet-rich plasma, Red blood cells. Of these, the Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP is injected into the scalp on the patient’s areas of concern. For this, we offer multiple sessions, with additional maintenance treatments for remarkable transformations from bald spots to thick and strong hair.

  • Use of self blood
  • Non-surgical
  • Stimulates fresh hair growth
  • No recovery time
  • Non-scarring
  • Cost-effective procedure

3. Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp Micropigmentation, more often known as the SMP procedure, is a cosmetic procedure wherein micro sized dots of shades of black to create an illusion of dense hair. These dots cast a shadow on the scalp that look like natural hair follicles and easily acculturate as regular hair, with definition and depth.

Magnifique Cosmetic Clinic addressed this treatment for patients with the following issues:

  • Hair Thinning
  • Alopecia
  • Cancer
  • Male/Female Pattern Baldness

It’s a non-surgical, semi permanent treatment that helps achieve a fuller scalp.


Get new, lustrous hair: Get in touch!

Using high-end technology, we make sure our patients get the results they hope for. We specialize in hair as well as skin treatments. For a consultation, let’s get in touch.

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